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  • Writer's pictureSalman (Hafiz Team)

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't by Jim Collins free ebook availa

"Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't" is a book written by Jim Collins, a business consultant and researcher. The book is based on a five-year research project conducted by Collins and his team, aimed at identifying the key factors that separate good companies from great ones.

In the book, Collins presents a framework for understanding the characteristics and practices that distinguish good companies from great ones. He argues that great companies are not necessarily those with the best products or the most talented employees, but rather those that have the right culture, leadership, and management practices in place.

The book also provides practical advice and tools for companies looking to make the leap from good to great, such as the concept of the "hedgehog principle" which states that companies should focus on what they are truly passionate about, and the "flywheel" concept, which explains how small, consistent efforts can lead to significant results over time.

The author of the book, Jim Collins, makes the ebook version of his book available for free on his website to allow more people to access it and benefit from his research and findings.

Overall, Good to Great is a valuable resource for business leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs. It provides a framework for understanding the characteristics and practices that distinguish good companies from great ones and offers practical advice and tools for companies looking to make the leap from good to great.

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