My Publisher is a company that specializes in creating custom photo books, and they are also looking to the future by offering digital solutions for their customers.
One of the digital solutions that My Publisher offers is the ability to create a digital version of a photo book. This means that customers can access their book on their computer, tablet, or smartphone, and easily share it with friends and family. This is especially useful for those who want to share their book with loved ones who live far away, or for those who want to have a digital backup of their book in case the physical copy gets damaged.
Another digital solution that My Publisher offers is the ability to create a custom app for a photo book. With this option, customers can create an interactive, multimedia experience that allows them to add videos, audio, and other interactive elements to their book. This can make the book more engaging and interactive, and it can also make it a great way to share memories with friends and family.
My Publisher also provides a digital storage option where customers can store their photos and videos securely on the cloud, which can be accessed from anywhere and at any time.
In addition, the company is also investing in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to make the designing and ordering process more efficient and personalized.
Overall, My Publisher is focused on providing customers with digital solutions that allow them to create and share their photo books in new and innovative ways. The company's digital options make it easy to access and share a photo book, and they also provide customers with a way to create a more interactive and engaging book.