"The Essential Rumi" is a collection of poetry and teachings by the 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic Jalal ad-Din Rumi. The collection is translated by Coleman Barks, an American poet and translator who has been instrumental in introducing Rumi's work to English-speaking audiences.
Rumi's poetry is known for its spiritual depth, its celebration of love and the divine, and its use of vivid imagery and metaphor. His poetry is also known for its emphasis on the importance of inner transformation and the search for spiritual truth. The Essential Rumi collection presents a selection of Rumi's most popular and enduring poems, as well as some of his teachings on love, spiritual practice, and the nature of the soul.
Barks' translation of Rumi's poetry is known for its accessibility and readability, making it a popular choice for both students and general readers. His translations are praised for capturing the essence and spirit of Rumi's work, and for their ability to convey the poet's profound wisdom and spiritual insights.
The Essential Rumi is considered an introduction to Rumi's work and is a great starting point for those new to his poetry. His poetry is widely celebrated for its spiritual depth and its celebration of love and the divine. The book is also considered a great resource for those interested in Sufism, a mystic tradition within Islam, and its spiritual practices.
"The Essential Rumi" translated by Coleman Barks is a collection of poetry and teachings by the 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic Jalal ad-Din Rumi. The collection is known for its accessibility, readability and its ability to convey the poet's profound wisdom and spiritual insights. It is considered an introduction to Rumi's work and a great starting point for those new to his poetry, as well as a great resource for those interested in Sufism and its spiritual practices.