"Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini - This book provides insights into the psychology of persuasion and provides practical strategies for building influence and making effective sales pitches.
"Contagious: How to Build Word of Mouth in the Digital Age" by Jonah Berger - This book examines the science of viral marketing and provides a framework for creating and sharing content that is more likely to be spread.
"Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die" by Chip Heath and Dan Heath - This book explores the characteristics of ideas that are memorable and effective, and provides a framework for creating messages that are more likely to stick in the minds of customers.
"The Ultimate Sales Machine" by Chet Holmes - This book provides a step-by-step guide to building a high-performing sales team, emphasizing the importance of process and structure in achieving success.
"The Challenger Sale" by Brent Adamson, Matthew Dixon, and Brent Adamson - This book examines the changing nature of the sales process and provides insights into how sales professionals can position themselves as trusted advisors to potential customers.
"The Art of SEO" by Eric Enge, Stoney deGeyter, Jessie Stricchiola, and Rand Fishkin - This book provides a comprehensive overview of search engine optimization, and provides practical strategies for improving website traffic and search engine rankings.
"Content Inc." by Joe Pulizzi - This book provides a framework for building a business by creating and distributing valuable content, and provides case studies of successful content-driven businesses.
"The 1-Page Marketing Plan" by Allan Dib - This book provides a simple and effective framework for creating a marketing plan, emphasizing the importance of focus and simplicity in achieving success.
"Reality-Based Leadership" by Cy Wakeman - This book offers a new perspective on leadership, emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence, communication and reality-based thinking in building effective marketing and sales teams.
"Made to Stick" by Chip Heath and Dan Heath - This book provides insights and strategies for creating messages that are more likely to stick in the minds of customers, helping to drive sales and marketing success.
It's important to note that some of these books may not be legally available for free, and downloading copyrighted material without permission is illegal in most countries. Many of these books can be obtained through your local library, or by purchasing them in ebook or audiobook format.