Here are a few notable medical diagnostic books from reputable authors:
"Differential Diagnosis in Internal Medicine" by William G. Bennett and Raphael Dolin
"DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination" by Richard LeBlond and Donald Brown
"The Differential Diagnosis of Symptoms" by Roger Jones and Andrew Raffles
"Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine" by Ian B. Wilkinson, Tim Raine, Kate Wiles and Handrew Nicholson
"Disease: A Very Short Introduction" by Anthony Warner
"Practical Guide to Diagnostic Imaging" by Peter Armstrong and Martin Wastie
"Clinical Diagnosis" by John S. Lazo, Keith A. Wharton, and Timothy J. Barron
"Diagnostic Imaging: Orthopaedics" by David Stoller, Phillip Tirman and Miriam Bredella
"Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology" by John P. Greer, Andrew H. Lichtman, and Barbara A. Bain
Please note that the books listed above are only a small selection of the many available on the subject of medical diagnosis and should be used only as a starting point for further research.